I didn't have a chance to post this last week, but on 6/23/2010, Isabel had her 4-month well check, complete with vaccines and getting her ears pierced! Poor baby! It was a rough morning. The pediatrician says she's a healthy little girl. She's 15.3 lbs and 24 inches long...........that means she's solid and short. Oh well, sounds like she's going to take after her mommy!
After her doctor's appointment (I'd taken the whole day off of work ...woohoo!!), we attended the yoga mamas' Wednesday playdate! Isabel was one of 8 babies there...it was a full house! Her friend Charley was the only boy........how can you avoid a joke about Charley and his angels?! ;) I have a photo of all 8 babies in a circle - the wheel of babies - but it's not with me at the moment, so I'll have to post it later. It's very cute though.
Here's her new bling:

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