At night when Isabel wakes up and wants to have a snack, she pummels me with her tiny fists right in the chesteses and then aims a well-placed kick right at my bladder. This invariably results in my having to first get up to go to the bathroom before I can nurse her. If she would only refrain from walloping me in the bladder, I might be able to nurse her right away.
During daytime nursing sessions, Isabel obviously needs a hobby since she can nurse and do other things at the same time. She is so talented that she can nurse AND check my mouth to make sure I have all my teeth, or pull my bottom lip up over my head, or slap me on the boob repeatedly. She also likes to grab my boob and hold onto the skin like it's a handle. She sometimes does all of the above during one single nursing session.
This one gets its own paragraph since I consider it evidence of the fact that she might be's not just abuse for abuse's sake. ;) Most of my nursing bras or nursing tanks have a strap that stretches between the twins and lies flush to my chest. Isabel greatly enjoys strumming that strap of material. I'm wondering if she will be a string bass player like her Oma someday. Either that, or she'll be excellent at archery. She pulls it out....s t r e e e t c h h h....and then lets loose....ttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhWAAAAK!!!
Gouging. I really do try to keep her nails trimmed, but somehow, they just get out of hand so quickly. Isabel really likes to pierce whichever of my body parts are most easily accessible with her tiny, but razor-sharp fingernails. Perhaps this is payback for piercing her ears already? I'm concerned that one day soon she will pop my boob with her talons and cause it to deflate.
The thing is, she's so darn cute that I let her keep beating me up day after day!
The cuteness, part 1:

The cuteness, part 2:

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